mein FTH hat mich für morgen zum Update eingeladen, ich bin sehr gespannt wie es jetzt weitergeht......
Halte euch auf dem Laufenden. Ich drücke uns allen die Daumen für ein erfolgreiches Update.
Gruß Harald
? Sorry for using English. I am curious how it goes. I did the update only last Sunday, assuming the TSB retrofit from October 30 solved earlier reported problems. I was waiting so long, and already had a few appointments with the garage where it was not available in the end that I decide to give it a go. Really regret it as I am now also in the problem situation (DA01 + FA10 after error, no response to USB1-3).
Curious if you garage can offer a solution.
I am really curious what could have been wrong in our own attempts, or if it would have failed at the garage as well and in those situations Toyota Europe will offer replacement.